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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Words That Make a Difference

Jul 29, 2018

 Words can give life or kill. So it matters who you’re talking to!  This week, Pastor David talks about how to tell if you’re talking to a wise person or a fool - and how to be sure only life-giving words are getting into your ears and going out of your mouth.


For more on this series, go to

Words can give life or kill. So it matters who you’re talking to! This week, Pastor David talks about how to tell if you’re talking to a wise person or a fool - and how to be sure only life-giving words are getting into your ears and going out of your mouth. For more on this series, go to ( LINK: ) [ A study from Proverbs, chapter 18 ]


[ A study from Proverbs, chapter 18 ]