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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Mar 28, 2021

On this podcast Pastor Jason leads us through a message on our own failure. Jason centers on our tendency to turn away from God, and how we can overcome this failure. 

Mar 21, 2021

Who enjoys nice, crusted, smelly feet? I bet none of us do. But there was one who chose to kneel down, take warm water, a towel and wash 12 of them. Join us in this podcast as Pastor Lijo brings a message about servanthood and our priorities.

Mar 14, 2021

Audacity--it’s a word to describe those who seemingly are unaware of what they are asking. Usually it’s so shocking that the response is curt and almost rude. Jesus responds to the hubris of two Apostles (James and John) who ask for a favored position in heaven. The truth is that Jesus reveals what that request...

Mar 7, 2021

Pastor Leon takes us through the biblical calling of discipleship. We hope that wherever or whenever you may be listening, you can learn and grow with us.