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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Aug 31, 2014

To be jealous is to be zealous in all the right ways. God has a rightful zeal for his creation.  He is jealous for His Name, His people - and anything that comes against them.

Aug 24, 2014

When persecution scattered the first Christians, they scattered the seeds of the Gospel wherever they went. From their story, we learn that God’s hand is at work on the world’s largest stages - and every scene matters.

[ Acts | s04e06 | Acts 12 ]

Aug 17, 2014

When persecution scattered the first Christians, they scattered the seeds of the Gospel wherever they went, and began to "expand their circle." From their story, we learn that our cirlces may be too small and may have the wrong person in the center of them.

[ Acts | s04e05 | Acts 11:19-30 ] 

Aug 10, 2014

When persecution scattered the first Christians, they scattered the seeds of the Gospel wherever they went. From their story, we learn that the message about Jesus is more inclusive than we may have imagined.

[ Acts | s04e04 | Acts 10:1-11:18...

Aug 3, 2014

When persecution scattered the first Christians, they scattered the seeds of the Gospel wherever they went. From their story, we learn that one who is running from God is not as far out of reach as we may think.

[ Acts | s04e03 | Acts 9:1-19 ]