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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Mar 18, 2018

Jesus introduced a new normal to the world - a new way to live, under a new kind of rule, within a new kind of kingdom.  A kingdom advanced by servanthood, humility, and love - that will not fail.  This “gospel of the kingdom” was the meat of Jesus’ message.  He made it clear that God is unstoppably bringing all...

Mar 11, 2018

Judas is famous for failing disastrously.  Not only did he fail Jesus, he failed his friends, and he failed himself.   There’s much we can learn from his story.  Because his failure didn’t come down to a single bad decision within moment of bad judgment - nor was it really about the 30 pieces of silver.  Judas’...

Jan 28, 2018

The final week of our Now is the Time series.

Those who call themselves followers of Jesus and those who don’t face obstacles that hold us back - that trap us like a snare - and hinder us from making a difference in our world.

Join us as we learn how to recognize that obstacle in our lives and reverse the impact of it...

Jan 21, 2018

We all want to do life right. Our relationships, our job, our decisions in the moment, our planning in the future...we want to do it right. For the most part, we've all figured out a pretty good system for ourselves. Until... we find ourselves in a dilemma that has us asking, "NOW what do I do?!" Today we look at a...

Jan 14, 2018

It's said that athletes approach competition either with a will to win, or a fear to lose. And it's those who play to win - rather than avoid losing - that come out on top. If asked, I imagine we'd all say that we want to win at life: in our public lives, our private lives, our spiritual lives. Jesus said there's one...