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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Oct 30, 2016

America is on the doorstep of an enormous decision: Who should be your next leader?  One must inevitably ask, “who’s most qualified?”  To inform our decision, we’re asking that question - and looking at a profound encounter between two historic leaders.


For more on this series, go to 

Oct 23, 2016

Jesus is the Light who enlightens us to what God is like, reveals what our lives are meant to look like, and guides us there from here.

A study of John 1:2-9.

Oct 16, 2016

Jesus is the voice of God who came to speak the mind of God in ways we'd understand.

A study of the Gospel of John Chapter 1, verse 1.

Oct 9, 2016

How can we have a lasting impact on our community? How do we identify the needs around us? Where is the modern day marketplace of our society? How do we use the voice God has given us to make an difference?

Pastor TJ explores this further and presents practical ways we can impact our schools.

(A study of Luke...

Oct 2, 2016

What's the relationship between doing good works and being a Christian?  If there are non-christians doing great good works and Christians not doing any good works at all... then does Christianity really make any difference in the world?  Join us as we talk about faith that "makes a difference" vs. faith that just makes...