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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Jun 30, 2019

Have you noticed that people seem to have a supernatural gift for describing who God is and what His will is? In fact, they do.  


It’s spiritual!


Every person has been uniquely created, called, equipped, and empowered by God to make a life-giving difference in the lives of others. Including you.


This week as...

Jun 23, 2019

The New Testament asserts that you are equipped with “gifts of the Spirit” so that you can do more and better than you ever could on your own.


It’s spiritual!


This week, we discover three spiritual gifts that demonstrate the love of God to a hurting world.  Pastor David invites us to ask: could this be my...

Jun 16, 2019

What makes a man, a man?

The Bible is filled with amazing stories of amazing men.  Yet, above them all (aside from Jesus) there is one who stands up as the manliest of all men... the huber man… the prototype of masculinity… the man of men… King David.

On this Fathers Day, Pastor David bios the life of King David...

Jun 9, 2019

Every Follower of Jesus is supernaturally equipped with what the Bible calls “spiritual gifts” for the purpose of serving others.


But what we do doesn't matter as much as how we do it. Because things like rivalry, jealousy, fear, and selfishness can spoil even the most spiritual gesture. Our character matters.


Jun 2, 2019

Every person has been uniquely created by God to make a life-giving difference in the lives of others.  Every follower of Jesus has been called to it.  And more, equipped with certain "gifts" and empowered with supernatural help to do so.


It’s spiritual!


As we launch a brand new series of discovery, Pastor David...