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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

May 31, 2015

Failures and setbacks in one’s life can threaten to negatively define a person, but Paul suggests that it’s what Jesus did - not what you do - that defines the real you. He says your build-a-life-like-Jesus project hinges upon what you count on to be true about yourself.

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May 24, 2015

Rome, founded on April 21, 753 BC, has so far taken about 1,010,497 days to build.  Great things take time. Likewise, from the day you became “founded” in Christ, your building-a-life-that-looks-like-Jesus project was underway. Paul says it must start with cementing what you know.

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May 17, 2015

Jesus commissioned the Church to make Him known.  Any church is, indeed, always making some type of Jesus known - but if it's not reflecting the real Jesus, is it a real Church?  Jesus told His disciples exactly what His Church would be built upon and what it would act like.  

[ Matthew 16:13-19...

May 10, 2015

Have you ever felt defined by your biggest mistake?  Imagine being Eve: the woman who ruined everything. For everyone!   But there’s more to Eve’s story.  And to yours!

[ Genesis 1-4 ]


May 3, 2015

Jesus was destined to be mankind’s Savior, vindicated through His suffering, and by His death He brought new life.  When we put our faith in Him, we’re baptized into His destiny, suffering, death - as well as His New life.  But what does that mean for Monday?

Click here for more on this series.

[ Paul’s Letter to...