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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Dec 24, 2016

As the Gospel of John tells it, Christmas is the story of one brief moment in time that changed everything forever.  Pastor David talks about why Jesus’ arrival into the world means that any moment can be your very own everything-changing moment.


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Dec 18, 2016

As the Gospel of John tells it, Christmas is the story of God giving humanity the real thing to replace all the replicas for which we’ve settled.  Pastor David talks about why Jesus’ arrival into the world means you no longer have to settle for second-rate imitations in any area of your life.


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Dec 11, 2016

As the Gospel of John tells it, Christmas is the story of a God who came to make the unseen visible and the unknowable plain.  Pastor David talks about what the arrival of Jesus reveals about God, why so many - then and now - don’t see it that way, and how you can have eyes to see the presence of God all around...

Dec 4, 2016

For all it’s festivity, Christmas is also an annual reminder of all we’ve lost over the year - and all we’ve not-yet achieved.  A reminder that being human is hard.  Pastor David talks about why Jesus’ human life, from birth in a cave to death on a cross, provides a real hope for the task of being human.



Nov 27, 2016

As the Gospel of John tells it, Christmas is the story of a God who gives the perfect Gift to the people He loves.  A gift most will pass up.  Pastor David explains why Jesus’ arrival into the world is good news for those who are not yet “all set”… and how you can be sure not to miss the real gifts...