Mar 19, 2017
In regard to faith in Jesus, every person has a decision to make: to believe. or not. What influences a person's decision? Can you tilt another’s decision in the direction of faith? This week, Pastor David talks about the story that has the power to tilt a person toward Jesus - and how you can tell it in a...
Mar 12, 2017
For every person who does not believe in Jesus, there’s a wall that stands between them and faith; it’s a wall that’s insurmountable. Until it isn’t. For every person who does believe, that wall seems to be gone. But how? Was it pulled down? Were they lifted over? This week, Pastor David talks about the...
Mar 5, 2017
In every relationship that matters there’s a common ground, a meeting place, where uncommon people draw the same water. It’s where differences lose their power to divide. This week, Pastor David talks about the time Jesus struck up a conversation with a woman he shouldn’t have, in a place he shouldn’t have...