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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Apr 1, 2018

Have you ever wondered, what's the big deal about Easter? Why do Christians put so much into one day? To put it simply, the resurrection is the best part of the story. It's easy to see why it's the best of the Jesus' story - but He suggested the Resurrection could be the best part of your story as well!

Apr 3, 2016

The disciples soon realized, life after the resurrection means all things new!  With new hope, vision, and faith comes a new identity and purpose.  Learn how Jesus got back His life and why that means you can get back the sense of purpose you’ve lost.


Click here for more on this series. 


[ A Study of Luke 24:46-49...

Mar 27, 2016

You might remember when your hope was full, vision clear, faith strong, and purpose certain.  Maybe it was years ago, before [fill in the blank] happened.   Life has a way of killing such things.  But what if you could get them back? Learn how Jesus got back His life and why that means you can get back what...

Mar 20, 2016

Life is filled with events that dull vision and make it impossible to see possibilities. Mistakes, misunderstandings, disappointments, and deceptions all reduce one’s vision to what can be seen and touched.  Yet what if seeing isn’t believing, anyway?  What if believing is what leads to seeing?   What if you could...

Mar 13, 2016

For the women who found themselves walking toward the tomb two days after watching Jesus die, there was no hope left.  Death had killed their belief in life.  Until… the resurrection.  Learn why Jesus getting back His life means you can get back the hope you’ve lost.


Click here for more on this series


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