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Capital Church is a faith-community devoted to following Jesus and making Him famous throughout New York's Capital Region. This podcast contains weekly sermons from our Lead Pastor, Dr Jason Karampatsos.

Sep 28, 2014

Salvation is a work of grace... but getting along takes work! (and a whole lot of grace)

[ Acts | s05e03 | Acts 15:20-16:5 ]

Sep 21, 2014

Once in a while, you’re faced with a decision that could change everything - or change nothing much at all. It’s the difference between receiving Jesus into your life - or adding Jesus on to your life.

[ Acts | s05e02 | Acts 15:1-35 ]


Sep 14, 2014

The greatest thing you can bring back from any adventure is an extraordinary story.  

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the difference between a self-written story and one that God is invited to script. 

[ Acts | s05e01 | Acts 13-14 ]


Sep 7, 2014

One thing we all carry around is (at least) a little bit of guilt. Whether a fresh guilt or a back bending weight carried for years; whether bubbling up from internal sources or passed on from external pressures, we've all got it.

The important question is: what do you do with yours?