Jun 10, 2018
Jesus claimed to be "the Life." He also claimed, "whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these." That sparks our interest. We all want to do great things with our lives. But it raises questions too. Like... what "things" that Jesus did will we be able to do?...
Jun 3, 2018
If we don't know the truth about God, we can't know what's true about ourselves or each other or life itself. We can only know what the group thinks. And what each subgroup thinks. But we can't know what is true. And if we can't know what's true, we can't know whether or not we're living the right way, making the...
May 27, 2018
Even more shocking than Jesus' bold claim to be "The Way, the Truth, and the Life" was what He claimed to be possible for you and me. For example, Jesus told His followers they had the power to "not let" their hearts be troubled. Don't you hate it when someone tells you to control how you feel? Is it even possible?...
May 20, 2018
Jesus left no doubt about Who he claimed to be. But what’s more startling is whom he claimed you and I can be!
Jesus famously said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
His claim has often been criticized as narrow, exclusive, and intolerant. (Of course, if he is all those things… it would’ve been evil...