Mar 25, 2018
When a good friend wrongs us badly, it can make us sour toward them and leave us feeling bitter inside. Only one thing can bring sweetness back into our hearts and our relationships: forgiveness. Easier said than done, of course. Mainly because we fear letting a person off the hook just to hurt us again. Doesn’t...
Mar 18, 2018
Jesus introduced a new normal to the world - a new way to live, under a new kind of rule, within a new kind of kingdom. A kingdom advanced by servanthood, humility, and love - that will not fail. This “gospel of the kingdom” was the meat of Jesus’ message. He made it clear that God is unstoppably bringing all...
Mar 11, 2018
Judas is famous for failing disastrously. Not only did he fail Jesus, he failed his friends, and he failed himself. There’s much we can learn from his story. Because his failure didn’t come down to a single bad decision within moment of bad judgment - nor was it really about the 30 pieces of silver. Judas’...
Mar 4, 2018
Historian, Lord John Acton, famously observed, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” He elaborated, “Great men are almost always bad men.” Jesus noticed the same thing about leaders’ appetites in the world he entered. But, as one with truly absolute power, he introduced a new kind...